Everything You Should Know about Immune System and Immunity Products
The immune system is designed to protect the body from foreign or dangerous invaders. Without immunity and without kidneys, the body can only live for a few days. Signs of impaired immunity - severe disease, infection, eg pneumonia, osteomyelitis, suppurative disease of the bones, internal organs, constant temperature, weakness. Such a person simply cannot function independently, he is forced to take antibiotics and lies in the hospital. How to organize your own health regimen to strengthen and maintain immunity? Immunity reflects general health, that is, the strength of the body - the stronger the health, the better the immunity. Everything to improve your health, and strengthen your immune system: daily routine, moderate exercise, sleep and rest, switching activities, avoiding overexertion, avoiding fatigue - sit in one place, rest, move, exercise. People carry self-antigens on normal cells, such as liver cells, colon cells, and thyroid cells. Cells with self-antigens usually do not ...